Saturday, March 6, 2010

How to Stop Smoking?

In stop smoking it is necessary to address the root causes that lead to the active smoker practice this bad habit. They are identified and defined as:

-- psychological dependence: The active smoker was conditioned to respond to external stimuli, smoking unwittingly, impulsive and unthinkingly. Notice how many cigarettes are smoked by impulse, without having the will.

-- addiction: Causes the active smoker smokes to relieve the effects of the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. To reset it in the blood, he smokes.

-- unwillingness to face the addiction: The will is weakened by the frustrations the active smoker surrender to the addiction. He is smoking one, two, three packs a day. He finds it impossible to stop smoking. This will be recovered by promoting their self-esteem and envisioning a better future built by himself, and by improving their quality of life, every moment.

This method of quit smoking teaches the active smoker to work these cases, mentally and psychologically, giving you all the conditions to confront their addiction.
We developed therefore a personal action plan, for twelve months in order to meet the following goals, implementing changes arising from new mindset in the face of smoking, the smoker will get active.


1) Information and study for its awareness about addiction, to know why he should stop smoking, thereby strengthening their desire to leave this addiction;

2) By psychological preparation and through self, Undo the mental and psychological habit of smoking, building a new mindset;

3) By the method reduce, slowly and gradually, cigarettes smoked;

4) Taking the final decision: Stop smoking.

The flexibility of this plan is due to the need to align it with the knowledge to be acquired in order to relieve anxiety, intense and growing, and other symptoms of the crisis leads to withdrawal, because of the absence of nicotine.

This situation is caused by the new mindset and organic to reduce cigarette smoking, to leave them, definitely.

The greatest weapon to do that is your will power, his insight and his free will, which should be worked out, consciously and unconsciously, in order to condition them a new mindset in the face of their addiction and psychological.

This new position will allow you to gain control and mastery over the desire to smoke each cigarette, and relieve you of the complex dependency that makes smoking, eating and mechanically, without realizing it. This thoughtless impulse characterizes the absence of a committed, confident, directed, lucid and conscious in order to control the addiction.

So, wanting to quit smoking and failing, you will live as close to a war against the cigarette that dominates, for a way to get rid of it, to quit, and it torments him. Is not how you live today?

With the awareness gained by the new mindset, your insight and your free will, will inhibit this impulse, driving their desire for control over the addiction to abandon it altogether.

The new mindset is that of a peace truce with the cigarette, to meet him in detail and make it a nice product to be consumed, then get rid of him, beat him.

Make a cigarette, even if it makes a delicious fruit to be savored: Sit your perfume, fix on its color and beauty, to then give you a bite, delight, feeling the flavor.

When will you give up smoking, avoid the mechanical movement and automatic lead hands to hammer to remove the cigarette. Instead of taking it to his mouth, as you would a fruit: look him and feel her "perfume" smelling it; search feel it between fingers and realize to dominate or whether it is you who dominates.
Take a test: assuming that you master it, do not smoke. Put him back at the pack and wait. The next time you feel like smoking, repeat this act, and so on, until no more smoke, never again.

However, if you discover that the cigarette is who will dominate, accepted it is subject, realize the degree of dependence and smoke it, Looking to buy right now (every puff tasted) the consciousness that is dominated by a single cigarette and to decide the importance of freedom from addiction, to stop smoking.

This way of observing, will exercise its attention to realize smoking and exercise in the future, an area about it, through which you will smoke only when really in the mood to do so.

This small and important mindset is to begin the conquest of self-control.

With this measure, the psychological burden of being an active smoker, will be lighter because you will have strengthened the conviction that, after a scheduled time, you will get rid of the addiction that overwhelms.

It is important to enlist the help of others linked to you, that will help you monitor it, slap him and walk when faltering in their goals.

Stop Smoking Benefits

Stop Smoking Benefits

What are the side effects of medications for nicotine? The medications used in therapy of nicotine replacement are quite safe. This is evidenced by the fact that the patch and nicotine gum are sold without prescription in the U.S., Europe and Brazil. Below we show the most common side effects:

Are there any contraindications to the use of medications for nicotine? The nicotine medications are quite safe, but there are two situations in which there must be more careful with their use:
- Pregnant
- Patients with recent myocardial infarction
However, it is very important to emphasize that cigarette use in these two situations is far more damaging than therapy with nicotine.

The patient can be addictive nicotine in medications? Yes, there are reports that up to 10% of patients using the chewing gum nicotine can be difficult to drop it. It is difficult to know whether the patient has a new addiction or are keeping their nicotine dependence. In any case, the concentration of nicotine in the blood achieved with the gum is well below that achieved with the cigarette. In addition, the 4500 cigarette has other substances harmful to health.

What is varenicline? Varenicline (brand name: Champix) is a medication developed specifically for the treatment of smoking. It acts on receptors in the brain, blocking the action of nicotine on site and reducing the possibility of withdrawal.

Clinical studies have shown high rates of smoking cessation with the use of varenicline. In a study with 647 patients, 49% of smokers who used the medication quit smoking after 12 weeks of treatment, whereas this rate was only 12% for patients who used placebo (tablet flour without pharmacological effect). Another study with 1,210 patients showed cessation rate of smoking of 70% among those using varenicline against 49% among those taking placebo. When compared with the use of bupropion, both scientific work in order to evaluate the effectiveness of these treatments showed that varenicline was superior.

How varenicline is used? Varenicline is presented in the form of pills, being sold only on prescription. The medication must be started one week before the scheduled date to quit smoking. The duration of treatment is usually 12 weeks, and the doctor may extend this period for another 12 weeks, according to its assessment. Varenicline tablets should be swallowed whole with water. Food does not interfere with its absorption.

What are the most frequent side effects with the use of varenicline? Varenicline is a very safe medication, and well tolerated by most patients. The most common side effects are nausea and abnormal dreams, such events are mild, occur early in treatment and tend to disappear with time.

There are contraindications to the use of varenicline? Varenicline is a very safe medication, virtually no contraindication to its use. As there are no studies in pregnant women, it is prudent that the medication is not prescribed for these women. Its use in children under 18 years also is not approved. Patients with moderate renal impairment / severe should have the dose of medication adjusted by your doctor.

What is bupropion? Bupropion (Zyban ®) is a drug initially developed to act as an antidepressant, but during its use was found that it reduced the craving of the patients. Since then, she came to be used in treatment of smoking.

As bupropion is used? Bupropion is a medication used orally and sold only by prescription. The medication is usually started 1 week before the scheduled date to stop smoking and continue for a period variable, which can reach up to 4 months. The physician should set the duration of treatment.

What are the most frequent side effects of bupropion? The most frequent side effects of bupropion are insomnia, dry mouth and headache. More rarely allergic reactions may occur.

Are there any contraindications to treatment with bupropion? Yes, bupropion should not be used in:
- Under 18 years;
- Patients with a history of epilepsy or seizures;
- Patients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia;
- Patients who are using certain antidepressants.

When to use the therapy to nicotine replacement, bupropion or varenicline? The choice of drug therapies available therapy (nicotine replacement therapy, bupropion and varenicline) should be individualized, ie, the doctor will decide in accordance with the characteristics of the patients. In individuals with a high degree of dependence, one can even opt for the combination therapy of nicotine replacement with one of the other treatments. Also in these patients, one can use the combination of chewing gum with nicotine patches.

In addition to medications, which the other pillar of the treatment of smoking? Medications increase the chances of the patient quit smoking, but they should not be used alone. We need a psychological support for the individual. This support should be provided by their families and relevant professionals (medical doctor, psychiatrist, nurse, psychologist). In some cases it may be useful if the patient participates in group therapy.

Why do some patients gain weight when they stop smoking? It is common to gain weight, stop smoking, ranging from 2 to 4 pounds. This is because of the effects of tobacco on the nervous system of the individual is reduced appetite. Moreover, by quitting smoking, it is common for the patient go through a period of anxiety that can lead you to overeat. There are some studies showing that both the use of bupropion, as the use of chewing gum can reduce weight gain after smoking cessation. We must emphasize that despite the weight gain, quitting smoking is the best option. The practice of regular exercise helps reduce weight gain.

What should be done when the patient used any medication and could not stop smoking?
It is common for patients trying to quit smoking and can not, even when you use any medication (nicotine therapy, bupropion or varenicline). This situation should not be seen as a failure or a weakness of character of the individual. In fact, many patients can only kick the habit after many attempts. In this situation, the patient should discuss with your doctor and figure out what were the obstacles that interfere negatively in the treatment and try to overcome them. In addition, you can try another measurement not used before.

Alternative treatments for smoking are effective? There is no scientific evidence to recommend the use of alternative therapies such as hypnosis and acupuncture in treatment of smoking.

Benefits of Quit Smoking

Is there a treatment to stop smoking?  Yes, there is treatment that helps the smoker to quit. Although most smokers can quit smoking on their own, there is a considerable amount that will need medical help and drugs to kick the habit.

Why is it important to stop smoking?  The answer seems obvious, namely to prevent the damage caused by smoking to health. However, many smokers, especially younger ones, although they know that they do not wish to quit, saying they have an active life and that smoking does not interfere with anything. This arises because the individual only perceive and value the symptoms of diseases caused by smoking after years of exposure to smoke.

The following are the benefits of quitting smoking:
- Reducing the chances of having cancer;
- Reducing the chances of having heart disease and respiratory;
- Increase in life expectancy (the chances of a smoker living to 73 years are 42% to 78%              of non-smokers);
- To improve physical performance and sexual health;
- Improves taste;
- Improvement of smell;
- Improvement of breath;
- Economy by not buying cigarettes;
- Good example for children.

For the patient who smoked for many years, there are also benefits to stop smoking? There will always be benefits to stop smoking, even for one patient who smoked for many years or has old age. This gain will be given in terms of a healthier life, with less chance of getting sick.

As an example, we can mention that:

- After 2 to 12 weeks of smoking cessation, an improvement of blood circulation;
- After 1 to 9 months of smoking cessation, there is reduction of cough and respiratory infections;
- After 1 year of smoking cessation, there is a 50% reduction in risk of heart attack and angina;
- After 10 years of smoking cessation, the risk of death from stroke becomes equal to that of a person who never smoked.

What are the medications used in treatment of smoking?  Currently, there are three types of drug therapy for the treatment of smoking:

Replacement therapy nicotine



How are nicotine patches?  First, it is important to emphasize that therapy Nicotine replacement therapy is not a miracle, it is necessary that the individual is prepared and motivated to stop smoking. The stickers and other forms of nicotine replacement, double the chances of the individual to remain without smoking. On the appointed day to stop with smoking, nicotine patches begin to be employed.

They are placed on the skin in place devoid of hair, promoting slow and steady release of nicotine. The patch must be changed every 24 hours and should avoid placing it in the same place it was before. They do not prevent the individual practice sports activities.

There are patches with different doses of nicotine (10, 20 or 30mg). The optimum dosage is determined by the physician, according to the degree of dependence on smoking. The ideal time to use the adhesive, and any form of nicotine replacement is not well established, ranging from 4 to 16 weeks, according to the patient's response.

What is the role of the patient in treatment of smoking?  The role of the patient in treatment of smoking. In order for that success requires that the individual is predisposed to stop smoking and discuss openly with your doctor your expectations, their anguish and the treatment options that may be employed. Furthermore, there must be involvement of the entire family in helping the patient, encouraging him and removing him from situations where he usually smoked (alcohol, stress, smoking environments etc).

What type of smoker who need drugs to quit smoking? Not all smokers who need medication to quit smoking. Generally, those who smoke will no longer smoke a greater number of cigarettes per day or who have tried and failed to stop, that is, those with greater reliance on cigarettes. However, any smoker can seek medical advice to quit smoking. Patients with 5 or more points on the scale of dependence need drugs to quit smoking. Test your addiction to cigarettes in "What's your addiction to cigarettes?"

Why is nicotine used in treatment of smoking?  As previously, nicotine dependence is the main cause of maintenance of smoking. When the individual is not smoking a certain time period, the levels of nicotine in the blood fall. This fact is detected by the brain that reacts promptly "requesting" more nicotine. Then comes the withdrawal syndrome and the person ends up smoking to relieve their symptoms. Thus, it is used nicotine preparations aiming to maintain the concentration of the substance in the blood at levels similar to those obtained with the cigarette.

What are the ways used to deliver nicotine?  Replacement therapy for nicotine can be administered in the following ways

How are the nicotine gum?  It is used by the smoker at times when there is the desire to smoke and withdrawal symptoms of smoking. The tablet is placed in the mouth and chewed until you feel the bitter taste of nicotine or tingling in the mouth. At this time the nicotine is being released and the smoker should stop chewing gum and can hold between the gum and cheek. When the taste or tingling disappears, you should return to chew the tablet until you feel the same effect. This procedure must be repeated for up to 30 minutes, when the gum is discarded.

The gum can be used as needed or every 1 or 2 hours. Moreover, we must avoid the use of alcohol during the process, since the liquid can reduce the absorption of nicotine in the oral cavity, reducing its effectiveness.

The gum is found in doses of 2 and 4, which will be chosen according to the degree of dependence individual.